Thursday, August 04, 2005

Rushing by...

"Life till 17 was like in Gear 1, then after that it's on Gear 4"

It felt like that after I finished my first year. There was a feeling of watching a LRT rushing by with you in it. There is barely time to breathe and recollect. There were too many things that I want to talk about, to blog about, to reminisce about.

But there simply wasn't enough time to savour each experience. When you are doing something at That moment, you are already thinking about the Next moment.

I simply haven't realized that Form 5 was 4 years ago. That is practically a whole secondary school term ago. I am still referring to my secondary school days like it was yesterday. When I was still referring to music popular 4 years ago like they are popular Today, I was in Big trouble.
Where did all the Time go?

Why does a year now feels much shorter than a year back in secondary school? I remembered waiting for my life to start then. Then now that it has started, it is moving way too fast for me. There are waaaay too many things to do, too many people to meet, to many places that I want to go and too little time. Every moment feels too short. I want to cling on to each and every moment and make them last. *sigh*

Like they say, " Suck your chocolates, don't chew them, it'll last longer. "

1 comment:

Grace Tan said...

now THAT is exactly how I'm feeling now!Too many things to do, yet, too little time!sigh...