Thursday, September 16, 2004

Farewell to my ex-roomies!

Night out at Miri Park.

The first night at Ridzuan, I couldn't sleep cause I was trying to sleep as neatly as possible-legs straight and together, hands by my side. I wore slippers to the bathroom. AND I actually wash my own clothes. I would wake up at the appointed time, sharp. I would try to laugh politely, you know, the "heeheehee" ladylike giggle behind the hand. (rolls eyes) I would mind my P's & Q's everytime I speak.

Towards the end, I slept with my legs wide open, arms flung out. I stopped wearing slippers to bathroom. No, I send my clothes to laundry, finally. I wouldn't wake up at the appointed time. It's always 5 minutes more! I am toooo lazy to wake up. I sent a sms to Amy telling her I wanna skip class, from my bed. She's in the living room. [curse of the sleep-lovers..] I stopped trying to laugh politely, it's Not me. I only do it now when I want to crack them up. *grins* I still do mind my P's & Q's.

They stopped becoming my friends a long time ago. We became family.

I miss them. Much.

1 comment:

may said...

awwww.... that is SUCH a sweeeeet post!