Thursday, April 14, 2005

My first rose..

over Msn:
Kai Er: Go look at your plodge. I left something for you. It's alive!

Me: yay!! thanks loads!!


buy me a rose, call me from work. [ Luther Van Dross] Posted by Hello

Wonderful Kai Er, so sweet of her.. Posted by Hello



may said...

ala.... got me excited for a moment... why isn't Kai Er a GUY?? soooo potong stim! =P

btw, what is a plodge? hehe

PingPing said...

hahahaha...oooh..her being a girl, isn't it more scandalous? *wink*

hahaha..she's just really sweet and best of all, it's with no strings attached..if you know what i mean. *grin*

plodge is porter's lodge where porters aka guards/questioning pt work in. haha.. you can drop stuff there and pick it up.

when ARE you coming for a GENUINE cambridge experience? the last time didn't count. you haven't punted nor gone to formal hall..*pout*

take care ya!!