Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's funny how..

you can become close to a particular person.

you find yourself spending most of your time with that person. talking, sharing each other's secrets, hopes, fears, insecurities. joining the latest sport craze. going shopping, scouring for good bargains and stopping in a cafe for a cuppa. travelling, doing all sorts of crazy things, having pure good mindless fun. making jokes, slangs which only the "inside" person would understand. a wink here, an arched eyebrow there, a look that would convey more than words ever would.

there is understanding. a sense of comfort, belonging.

Was.... stopped talking. you stopped hanging out. you stopped rushing back to that very person with news about your life. you stopped asking the person out and vice versa. Now, when you do meet the person, the conversation would be polite, formal. Empty.

We have become two very different person. You have moved on without keeping me updated and so did I. You didn't say and I didn't feel like prying. and so it just went on like this... for months, years..

at odd moments, the memory of us having fun would magically pop into my mind. *smiles*

the cynical me wonders how many of the friends that I have now will continue being more than casual aquaintances 20 years down the road. *arched eyebrow*

1 comment:

happyashley said...

i know what you mean. jus drop by to say hi.. still remember you.. and do read ur blog occasionally coz its interesting. muaks..