Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Happy WOMEN'S Day!!!!!!!!!!

-to celebrate us being women
-to free us from oppresion of society's norms, obligations, standards
-to raise concerns about women violence
-to provide more resources for women seeking help e.g abuse, single mothers

in my ideal world, women can walk in the streets at night without feeling afraid. women can walk into a bar full of men without being harrased. women are allowed to achieve what they want, in any profession even that dominated by men. women can get the same amount of pay for the same job as men. women are given the same opportunities to climb the corporate ladder-no more old boys club. women are respected in the working world and sexual harrassment; verbal or otherwise are stopped. single fathers are frowned upon by the society as much as single mothers are. women do not suffer in silence of domestic abuse. men are not exempted from their crimes just because they are men. genocide is stopped. women are empowered to voice their concerns and to speak against the hurt inflicted on them.

Yes, we do want to scale new heights and let the sky be the limit. celebrate equality between men and women. and we want to appreciated for being who we are...even with our monthly pms, depression, fickle-mindedness, shopping, gossiping with other women, nagging...

we do still love men.

but stop hurting us: grandmothers,mothers,wives,sisters,girlfriends,daughters.

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