Sunday, July 23, 2006

My hands

Small with stubby fingers that never grown into graceful long, tapered fingers no matter how much I wish them to be.

Fingers that are never long enough to play an octave.

Fingers that hated the piano since it learnt that the price of not playing well is a sharp rap on the knuckles.

Fingers that stumbled clumsily along the white keys and froze with panic during examinations.

Fingers that yearn to play beautiful music, music that could lift the soul and put a smile on the lips.

but they never could, despite the years of training, money, energy and tears spent. and so, those fingers hid away in shame. never to touch the white keys anymore. fingers that forgot what a staccato feels like. difference between a minor and major? to play a thrill?

going for BBC Proms. I can at least hear beautiful music, if I can't play it. :)

Friday, April 07, 2006

Tuesdays with Morrie

In spite of much hype about the book, I have only started reading the book yesterday. I had brushed the hype aside, thinking that it's another touchy-feely, wishy-washy, self-help book with all the cliched lessons that we have been taught by Pendidikan Moral, Mum and Chicken Soup for Every Soul Imaginable.

Hence, I picked the book up with derision and a touch of cynicism. Little did I know that the good old values were written in such a way that it could still touch me. I was so touched that my eyes began to tear and I had to "tahan" since I was in Borders after all. It would be a comically tragic Cambridge scene, if I started bawling my eyes out with my dishevelled hair(day in library), crumply clothes(too busy to iron), a book on Human Reproduction and a stack of notes in my arms. A student on nervous breakdown would be quickly assumed ;)

Yes, it is Still a cliched book. Filled with all the good, sensible thoughts that we know but occasionally/never do; always have time for family and friends, don't dwell in self-pity, trust people and earn trust in return, open your heart to love, be positive, etc. They are all old lessons but forgotten in parts. I guess, once a while, a cliched book should come your way to kick your ass to make you remember your lessons and do the right thing. Of course, an incident to drive home the point would be ideal.....

Always have time for family and friends, in my case, strangers in need.

Earlier on Thursday, I was in Sainsbury when all my coins fell out of my purse and ran in every direction at the Sainsbury entrance. ONE POUND rolled and rolled near to the deli counter. One rather old man with a cane was there and was chasing after the ONE POUND for me. After I had picked up all my coins except for the ONE POUND that went missing, he gestured to me that it's under the shelves of Easter Eggs by the entrance. I was not up for lying at the floor and trying to peer under the shelves to find that ONE POUND. My reasons being that it's undignified and my ass would be sticking out towards the entrance for everyone coming into Sainsbury to see. So I just bent down and gave a little peek. Not having spot the ONE POUND, I decided to give up and tried to thank the nice old man for his troubles on my behalf.

Then, another nice old lady with a cane stopped by and was asking me what had happened. "Oh dear, I shouldn't quit looking for the coin now," I thought to myself. So I gingerly lowered myself to the floor again and tried to angle my ass away from the entrance to spot the ONE POUND once more. The old lady offered me her cane to poke around! Then, the old man himself lowered himself to the ground and try to spot the ONE POUND for me. Their kindness is unbelievable! I couldn't believe that two people with walking disabilities were willing to through so much trouble just for this girl and her missing ONE POUND.

That incident touched me and Tuesdays with Morrie reminded me of their kindness for a stranger. They had time to help me even when they could just ignore my predicament and continued with their shopping. I, myself would have given up if not for them- it's too much of a bother for just ONE POUND. Hmm...the world is not such an ugly place after all. People still care for you. You are not just another faceless, nameless person in the crowd. There is always spare time to help look for someone's else ONE POUND, no matter how little they think it's worth because you could make someone's day!

So, what happened to the ONE POUND?

The ONE POUND was NOT under the shelves. It was standing quietly in open view on the floor behind the shelves. We finally found it after much hassle and perhaps in time for a lesson learnt.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006


smell of the air after rain, sunsets, beach, sun on skin, broad grins and hearty laughter, cute animals, a child's wide-eyed wonder, smell of cake baking in the oven, "Butterfly Kisses" on iTunes, seating at the backseat of my daddy's car cruising along the beach at night, seeing the brightly lit outline of Penang becoming bigger and bigger as the plane/coach approaches Penang...

Go back home this summer for 3 months?


Friday, March 17, 2006

(No subject)

Strung like a puppet,
Every action is deliberate
With thought,
Is this correct?
Will this be accepted?
Play it safe,
Play it by the puppeteer’s direction,
A tug here,
Wineglass is held up to the lips,
Another tug there,
A bright smile and a timely enthusiastic nod,
Yet another hard tug,
A witty comment with chuckles,
Jerking the puppet hurriedly,
Act I followed by Act II, III,
A compliment here, a diplomatic answer there,
Final act, one last winning smile,
The curtain closes,
One last jerk as yet,
She smiles and curtsies,
To applause and critics likewise.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

A thought.

It has been one and a half years. When I attended my Halfway Hall earlier, the significance of it didn't strike me immediately. I was completely blase about the whole thing since I am a medic and frankly I am only a quarter through my course.

Yesterday the gravity of all of it sunk in, most of my close friends are not medics and would be graduating in one and half year's time. The realistic and cynical me knows that I probably won't see any of them anymore for the rest of my life. That is a very sobering thought because they have played such a BIG part of my life here and also back home as well.

They are my travel buddies. They are "my getting drunk" buddies. They are my homesick buddies. They are my flu/sick buddies. They are my Starbucks buddies. They are my clubbing buddies. They are my chilling out buddies. They are my "life conversations" buddies. They are my "confused moments" buddies. They are my "burst of spontaneity" buddies. They are my "sleepover" buddies. They are my "It doesn't matter, really!" buddies. They form a part of MY version of the Cambridge Prospectus. Try picturing Cambridge students punting and Hey! suddenly there's Me and ......................................................You.*GRINS*

Uni life would be so vastly different without all these mish-mash of interesting people that I have around me.

Thus, I must make time to have a cuppa or two with each and everyone of them. *wink*

Now, to make time..anyone knows how?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Eating my cake?

It's not the midterm blues yet but somehow, just had too much of "term". I am beginning to fall asleep during lectures and not being "engaged" by lectures anymore. There's a feeling of tiredness that hangs all week, even through the weekend. Weekend seems to fly past too fast. There's no time for a chill-out night nor is there time for a Sunday lie-in.

There's too much to do, really.

During the week, there's work to finish. Supervision, lectures, labs to attend. Then there's Cumas stuff. I have no idea why but I have just got myself involved in Sidney Mayball design committee. So there, no escaping from weekly meetings till June =( Then, there's sports during the weekend. I have just started playing footie recently and absolutely lurved it! am hoping to make it a weekly event besides netball which I have been faithfully going for week after week. That takes up a chunk of my weekend. plus there's the social events that I thought would end finally after "this weekend..." or so....but never did. week after week, I've got social events on Saturday and Sunday nights. Balls, dinners, formals etc.

"Oooh...yeah it all sounds pretty exciting!"

but somehow when you are skipping lectures to finish work, not seeing enough of your good friends, feeling exhausted all the time, not wanting to see or talk to anyone, you have a bag of overdue laundry, your room stinks and is in a mess...

I guess I am choking on my cake, aren't I?

*shakes head ruefully*

Monday, January 30, 2006

When words do not suffice...

Note from supervision about essay on T cells and B cells *immunobiology*

Please read some English Literature to improve your writing style. Do make sentences with stonger impact.

Please excuse me now as I have to go read up on Shakespeare.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

These are the thoughts - Alanis Morissette

These are the thoughts that go through my head
In my backyard on a sunday afternoon
When i have the house to myself and i am not
Expending all that energy on fighting with my boyfriend

Is he the one that i will marry?
Why is it so hard to be objective about myself?
Why do i feel cellularly alone?
Am i supposed to live in this crazy city?
Can blindly continued fear-induced regurgitated
Life- denying tradition be overcome?

Where does the money go that i send to those in need?
If we have so much why do some people have nothing still?
Why do i feel frantic when i first wake up in the morning?
Why do you say you are spiritual
Yet you treat people like shit?

How can you say you're close to god
yet you talk behind my back as though i am not
A part of you?
Why do i say i'm fine
When it's obvious i'm not?
Why's it so hard to tell you what i want?
Why can't you just read my mind?

Why do i fear that the quieter i am the less you will listen?
Why do i care whether you like me or not?
Why is it so hard for me to be angry?
Why is it such work to stay conscious and so easy to get stuck
And not the other way around?

Will i ever move back to canada?
Can i be with a lover with whom i am a student and a master?
Why am i encouraged to shut my mouth
When it gets too close to home?
Why cannot i live in the moment?

Thursday, January 12, 2006


It weighs down heavily on you. guilt.

The feeling of "I shouldn't have..."/"I should have...". It picks on you at every moment. whispering in your ears. in your head. sometimes, it's possible to drown it out. push it to the back of your mind. with fun, fun and more fun. inevitably fun has to stop at some point. the guilt comes crashing back.

fighting a losing battle. I admit defeat. guilty.

guilty of...

not smiling more. whining. not laughing more. taking things for granted. being complacent. not listening. not noticing. not speaking when it matters. not calling. taking things for granted. not asking. not taking the initiative. just following the flow. taking things for granted. making assumptions. pretending. not keeping promises. not being assertive when it counts. thinking that i'd always be lucky; get my way. being caustic. being apathetic. taking things too lightly.

guilty of taking things for granted.

life. family. friends. work. love. kind gestures. coincidences. time. knowledge.

all the bits and pieces. big and small. i've stopped being amazed. i've stopped being in awe. i've stopped being cheered by lil things.


I have stopped being Happy Ping. and that Most of all saddens me.